Ever Dreamed of Cruising Mexico?

If you have ever dreamed of a cruise to exotic Mexico with friends and planned on having lots of fun, in an organized, coordinated group down the coast of Baja, this is your event!

With warm breezes, beautiful following seas, and soft sand ashore, you will experience the magic of the Baja Peninsula. You will cruise to seven different ports accompanied by fifty other power cruisers of like mind. In each port you will be hosted to fabulous receptions and activities all coordinated by the Mexico Tourism Board and the CUBAR/FUBAR Committee of San Diego Yacht Club. This biennial event specifically planned for power boat cruisers makes getting to La Paz, Mexico a load of fun with lots of support.

The CUBAR/FUBAR Committee and the Mexico Tourism Board provides educational seminars and printed information to help plan your trip and to prepare your boat. You will be provided with all the information that you need to make this dream cruise a reality.