CUBAR is actively seeking sponsor to partner with for the 2015 event. Please view our Sponsorship Packet.



  • The San Diego Yacht Club is presenting the 2015 CUBAR, the successor to the FUBAR series of Power Cruiser yacht rallies that are a biennial event.
  • 50 to 60 power yachts from the west coast of the United States and beyond will cruise together in an organized fleet from San Diego thru Ensenada stopping in five other ports along the west coast of the Baja California Peninsula and then complete the organized cruise in La Paz, Baja California Sur.
  • There will be as many as 45 yachts that will arrive in San Diego and outfit their boats to go cruising, spending as long as a month preparing for CUBAR.
  • Each yacht will carry crews from four to eight persons.
  • Most of these yachts and crews will spend the winter season in Mexico.  Most will explore north into the Sea of Cortez and/or south along the west coast of mainland Mexico.
  • Each of these yachts is large and well equipped as might be expected and will require routine maintenance, recurrent fuel and provision stops and marina support during their stay in San Diego and Mexico.  Many owners will consider preventive maintenance and repairs be completed prior to entering Mexico and before returning to the USA.
  • Most of these yachts will have family and friends joining them during their Mexican adventure.  These guests will be using commercial airlines and staying in hotels before and after the rendezvous with the owners and their yacht. Many quests will continue to visit Mexico after leaving the yacht. All yacht owners and their guests will enjoy the many Mexican cultural delights:  restaurants, historic attractions, local festivities, religious sites, etc.
  • The website will be organized to include information about San Diego and the facilities available for preparing for CUBAR, and then the many cultural opportunities in the Mexican ports with emphasis on the sponsors of the CUBAR Odyssey, allowing the sponsors to link to the website.
  • When the wrap up of the 2015 CUBAR Odyssey is written and published we will include scenes from the entire CUBAR experience.